Proceq Pundit PL-200 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity ( UPV )




Instruments Specsification Proceq Pundit PL-200

Bandwidth : 20 to 500 kHz
Technology : Ultrasonic pulse velocity
Measuring Resolution : 0.1 us
Pulse Voltage : ±100 to ±450 V (UPV)
Receiver Gain : 1 to 10’000x (0 to 80 dB)
Nominal Transducer Frequency : 24 – 500 kHz
Pulse Shape : Square Wave
Pulse Delay : –
Number of Channels : 1
PC Software : PL-Link for analysis and export data to third party applications
Display : 7” color rugged touchscreen unit (800 x 480 pixels) with a dual-core processor
Memory : >Internal 8 GB flash memory
Connections : USB host/device and Ethernet
Measurement Modes :
Pulse velocity
Surface velocity
Data logging
Compressive strength correlation
Crack depth
Line Scan
Area Scan
Measuring Range : Up to 15 m depending on concrete quality
Special Features :
Zoom and scroll for precise A-Scan inspection On board storage and review of waveforms
Settings directly accessible on measuring screen
Dual cursor for manual A-Scan evaluation
Separate cursor to measure signal amplitude
Automatic and manual triggering and user-adjustable trigger threshold
A-Scan update rate up to 25 Hz
Transducers :
Avaiable Proceq transducers: 54 kHz, 150 kHz, 250 kHz, 54 kHz Exponential, 500 kHz and 250 kHz Shear Wave
Connect third party transducers up to 24 kHz, 54 kHz, 150 kHz, 250 kHz, 54 kHz Exponential, 500 kHz and 40 kHz shear wave dry point contact

Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity UPV Proceq Pundit PL-200
Mengetahui keseragaman kualitas beton
mengetahui kualitas struktur beton setealh umur beberpa tahun
mengetahui kekuatan tekanan beton
Menghitung Modulus elastisitas dan koefisien Poisson beton ( Internaionl Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna 2002)
Applications UPV Proceq Pundit PL-200 Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity

The Pundit PL-200 is a best-in-class Ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) test instrument to examine the quality of concrete and other materials such as rock, wood and ceramics.

It provides an extended range of measurement modes and superior features for on-site testing: Assess the concrete uniformity using standard A-Scans and the new Line Scan functionality, estimate the compressive strength of concrete or measure the surface velocity and the depth of perpendicular cracks.

The intelligent software supports directly accessible settings in real time from the measuring screen. The highest resolution and sharpest image available in the market allows best possible analysis of the measured waveforms.

Proceq offers an extensive range of transducers for the Pundit PL-200 providing highest accuracy and a proven field track record

Proceq UPV Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity

Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Pundit Lab+
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Pundit PL200
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Matest C369N
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Pundit 250 Array
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Pundit Live Array Pro
Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Pundit PD8050
Gel UPV Proceq

Proceq Hammer Test
Hammer Test Proceq Original Schimdt Type N
Hammer Test Proceq Original Schmidt Live OS8000 Type N
Hammer Test Proceq Silver Schmidt PC Type N
Hammer Test Proceq Silver Schmidt Live OS8200
Proceq Schimdt OS-120 Pendulum Rebound Hammer
Kertas Hammer Test Proceq
Per untuk Hammer Test Proceq
Hammer Test Matest C.380
Hammer Test Digital Matest C.386M
Hammer Test Digital SADT HT-225D
Hammer Test HT-225
Hammer TEst ZC-3A
Hammer Test Digital TEM-912
Hammer Test Digital GTZ HT225
Hammer Test Digital TEM-912

Cover Meter & Rebar Locator Proceq
Rebar Locator Proceq / Profometer PM8000Pro
Rebar Locator Proceq / Profometer PM600, PM630AI, PM650AI
Concrete Rebar Locator ZBL-R630A
Metal Scanner ZIRCON MT7 MetalliScanner
Metal Scanner Zircon MTX MetalliScanner
Profoscope Proceq

GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar)
GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Proceq GP8000
GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Proceq GP8100
GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Proceq GP8800
GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) Proceq GS8000
Zehntner Sign Retroreflection ZRS 6060
Zehntner Marking Retroreflection ZRM 6014 RL-QD

Nomor Produk


Berat Barang

8000 gr


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